Monday, June 27, 2011

A Different Kind of List

About a year and a half ago, I started the Day Zero Project. The idea is simple: Create a list of 101 things you'd like to accomplish in the next 1001 days... and then do it. I blogged on my list for a few months, but I was never very faithful about it, even though I did keep the list in mind.

I decided this week to bring the list over here. I just don't have time to maintain two blogs, on top of work and writing. My tentative plan is to do a 101 Things blog post on the last Monday of the month, to recap what I've accomplished.

I started on February 2, 2010, and my last day is October 30, 2012. I am almost exactly halfway through my 1001 days. I've finished 18 items and started another 23. That's not quite half, but I still have time.

Do you have a similar list? What kind of items would you put on yours?

plain text--not started
italics--in progress
purple bold--complete


1. Join/start a writing group
2. Spend at least 70 hours a month writing, or 60 in February (3/31)
3. Keep a writer's notebook every day for a full month (0/30)
4. Do a writing prompt from every day for a month (0/30)
5. Read five books on the Regency period (2/5)
6. Finish His Good Opinion
7. Begin another fiction work
8. Write 100K in NaNo
9. Read a book on professional blogging
10. Start a writing blog
11. Read five books on writing/publishing (0/5)
12. Self-publish His Good Opinion


13. Lose 25 pounds
14. No fast food for a month
15. Buy a bike--and use it
16. Walk to Rivendell
17. Exercise at least two days a week for two months (0/8)
18. Sleep eight hours minimum every night for two separate weeks (0/7)  (0/7)
19. Go to the dentist
20. Give up soda for three separate months (1/3)
21. Try pilates at least once a week for two months (0/2)
22. Use my pedometer again
23. Use My Fitness Plan to keep track of diet and exercise
24. Take vitamins daily for one month six times (0/6)
25. Order something healthy 6 times (0/6)
26. Take one day off from the internet each month (16/31)


27. Take care with my appearance every day for two separate weeks (7/7) (0/7)
28. Get a mani/pedi
29. Get a LBD


30. Make a custom recipe book
31. Attend a cake decorating class
32. Try at least one new recipe a month (3/31)
33. Bake a loaf of bread
34. Trade out all my most used spices for Penzey's
35. Try five new dessert recipes (0/5)
36. Learn how to make a soufflé

Fun and Relaxation

37. Spend six rainy days watching films in my PJs (1/6)
38. Have one lazy Monday each month (17/31)
39. Have a traditional picnic in a park
40. Go ice skating
41. Go to the zoo
42. Buy myself flowers
43. Finish a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle

Arts and Crafts

44. Finish afghan
45. Finish senior year scrapbook
46. Finish baby book
47. Get my NaNo prints framed

Personal and Spiritual Development

48. Don't complain about anything for a week
49. Identify 101 things that make me happy (0/101)
50. Create a list of ten flaws I have
51. Create a list of twenty things I like about myself
52. Journal every day for a month (0/30)
53. Write down one thing I'm thankful for every day for a month (0/30)
54. Blog about something positive every Wednesday for two months (0/8)
55. Memorize 101 new Bible verses (0/101)
56. Read through all the Psalms, noting each name used for God


57. Go on a random day trip to someplace I don't usually go
58. Go hiking three times each summer (3/9)
59. Spend three days in Portland as a tourist (1/3)
60. Take a road trip
61. Go to Disneyland


62. Build an emergency fund
63. Pay off my credit card
64. Pay off Mom and Dad
65. Pay off Dr. Lewis
66. Make no extraneous purchases for one month
67. Shop for a week of groceries using only coupons or sales four times (0/4)
68. Save money by not going out to eat for a whole month
69. Save as much spare change as I can, not touching it until the 1001 days are complete
70. Track daily expenses for three months (0/3)


71. Learn Italian
72. Learn Elvish (Sindarin)
73. Watch ten documentaries (1/10)
74. Try something I might be terrible at


75. Read The Hobbit again
76. Complete current reading project
77. Read half of Shakespeare's plays
78. Read all six of Austen's major works (5/6)


79. Get an iPhone
80. Sort through all my papers; bin/shred the ones I don't need, file the ones I do
81. Change our phone/internet service
82. Backup my computer--flash drive or external hard drive
83. Be to work early every day for two separate weeks (0/5) (0/5)
84. Throw out or donate clothes that no longer fit or are worn out
85. Set up my home office

Do unto others

86. Pay for the person in line behind me
87. Send a letter to a friend once a month (1/31)
88. Send someone a care package
89. Finish sending Christmas cards
90. Have ten dinner parties (0/10)
91. Have five tea parties (2/5)
92. Convert to entirely reusable shopping bags
93. Randomly give flowers to three people (1/3)
94. Send someone an encouragement card


95. Get my passport
96. Take a trip to England
97. Take high tea in England

98. Decide details regarding my move to England


99. Donate $5 to charity for every task I don't at least start
100. Blog the results of this list
101. Evaluate after 1001 days are over: Was this good/fun/profitable?